Aquarius 20 Jan to 19 Feb

Zodiac Pony AquariusThis sign extends from January 20 to February 19. Persons born under the sign of Aquarius belong mostly to the nerves of sensation and to the bones and framework of the system, and consequently to a corresponding department of service in the grand body.

Aquarius minds are wholly in the useful, and they belong mainly to the mercantile interests of life. They are intuitive, and remarkably good judges of character, especially so far as relates to matters of honor and dishonor. Their minds are frequently very active in the direction of the public good.

They belong to the sphere of city life, where they can be among, and dealing with, the people, and are therefore frequently found as politicians. Aquarius have a great deal of the psychic, or controlling power of the eye, and have minds that are well adapted to pleasing the public in whatever department of service they may be engaged.

They are usually very clear reasoners on subjects of a materialistic character, and are capable of acquiring a very fine education. Some of our best national financiers come from this sign Aquarius.

They have too much pride of personal and general appearance, and also altogether too much deference for public opinion, being liable to extremes in that direction, setting too much value on the same, and thereby becoming time servers. Aquarius are faithful to their duties in whatever sphere of service they are placed, being earnest and proficient therein.

Some of the most faithful and devoted wives are found in this sign, which always gives a fine, devoted love-nature, with inclination to purity in its uses.

 These persons are prominent patrons and supporters of the opera, theater, public parades, shows, fairs, and places of popular resort. Should we go into the crowded streets and places of public assembly, and be given the date of birth of those we there meet, we would find the majority were either born in or characterized by this sign.

They are seldom mechanics, though having mechanical ability, but their sphere of use is that of the natural trader.

Aquarius have an active nervous temperament, and are most liable to diseases of a nervous and rheumatic order, but mainly to that of the nervous system.

This nature springs from parental conditions that are very active in a trading or business direction, where the mind is kept employed in studying adaptability to the character and tastes of the parties with whom they have business dealings; in short, from great hopefulness and activity in business, society, or public matters.
Zodiac Pony Aquarius


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